Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sense and Nonsense or Me and my Pal

Tomorrow, June 6, 2011 is mine and Lou's 35th wedding anniversary. I didn't think we'd make it this long. We've certainly had our share of ups and downs, what with five boys and two girls between us. It's been a roller coaster ride but we managed to come through it with only a few scrapes and bumps.

It never ceases to amaze me these days how fast young people are in and out of marriages. Lou and I both went through one divorce each and it tore both of us up so bad we never wanted to go through another one.
I was sixteen when I married the first time and we basically outgrew each other after being together for sixteen years. We remained friends until the day he died. I still keep in touch with my "wife-in-law." You can't go into marriage thinking if it doesn't work you'll just quit then find someone else to marry! Without sounding preachy I will tell you how we made our marriage work. We NEVER went to bed angry. We NEVER cussed each other out or called each other names. We NEVER took sides with the kids against each other. When we got married that was it. There might have been a blended family but ALL the kids were treated the same by BOTH of us. We both worked hard. The money we earned went into an account and the bills were paid out of both paychecks. My house was always clean. If one of the kids made a mess, THEY cleaned it up. I always cooked a good dinner. I made sure the laundry was always done and clean clothes were always at hand. Our kids did chores. It gave them a sense of pride when they did a good job.

Lou has alzheimers now along with diabetes and neuropathy. My health is none too good either but we just take it day by day. Our pace is much slower but we still walk when we can. He is my best friend and I am his. I am thankful for this man who's smile lights up my life. I truly believe God brought us together because He knew we were right for each other. We ask Him for guidance each day and thank Him for our blessings each night. Tomorrow we'll have been married 35 years. We complete each other.

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